Marilyn Manson.
Waking The Masses Official Team
¡Hola Bullets! Vaya que ha pasado un tiempo desde que nos leímos por acá, me han estado llegando preguntas como ¿Qué están haciendo los chicos? ¿Cuándo tendremos material nuevo? entre otras, así que preferí hacer un resumen de las cosas que Bullet ha hecho hasta el momento.
Bullet for my Valentine fue la primer banda confirmada para el festival Soundwave del 2016. Los chicos se presentarán en Australia con su más reciente material Venom.
Excelentes noticias bullets! Debido a la gran respuesta por el concierto del 8 de septiembre (boletos casi agotados) EyeScream Productions agendó una fecha más. El 9 de septiembre será el segundo concierto, que seguramente será memorable.
Bullet for my Valentine finalmente lanzó a la venta mundial, Venom, su quinta producción de estudio.
Bullet for my Valentine Waking the Masses México, Playera, Street Team, Team, Waking the Masses México No comments Hola chicos como les habíamos informado anteriormente lanzaremos una totalmente nueva playera del team.
- Mitchell Peters, Los Ángeles
Marilyn Manson.
By now a lot of you have had a chance to hear some of our new shit floating around, or you’ve had the chance to hear the whole album if you’ve been SO LUCKY… I can say that I’m very excited to have this record come out on February 24th 2009. By the way, February 24th will be a huge day for metal. Us and Lamb Of God have our records coming out the same day. The coolest thing about this is every one can see how far metal has progressed from each of our first albums to our latest. We’ve come a long way. And I think both of our bands haven’t compromised. I also think we’ve produced quality material through our respective careers. So big ups to us and them!!! Big ups to metal!!!
I keep saying big ups because this blog is going to be all about one thing: Haterade. The big ups is a precursor to the new words or phrases that come out over time. Yeah, maybe being in a metal band makes it harder to say things like true dat, big ups or haterade but I’m gonna say that shit anyway. I am in a metal band but I am also from the streets so I have carte blanche to say all that ghetto shit.
Seriously, I’m talking about haterade because I think bands that get hated on generally become more successful. Right now, I’m hoping, pleading and wishing for this album to be panned by critics, internet trolls and whoever wants to shit on it. You may ask me, “Why Dallas? Why dost thou-eth needest us to protesteth soeth mucheth?” Because we need some boiling water in our career. We need people to hate. We need people to defend. We need to fight a fucking war for this record to push us to another place. We are a successful band. I want to be more successful. I want anyone out there who hates God Forbid to say they hate us. I don’t want reasons. I don’t want debates. I want hate!!!
I have a theory about why people don’t drink God Forbid Haterade. Let’s look at the careers of the most recent hated bands: Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine are just a couple of examples. These bands have great careers, but they have strong Haterade Brands. I’m sure their myspace messages are divided up into fan mail and hate mail. We’ve received hate mail and it’s pretty fucking great. But not as widespread as I really want and need it to be. These bands catch hate for a vast amount of reasons, but mostly I think it’s because they have images not because of their music. I think it’s because people can’t stand that people like them. I also think it’s because they are white! It’s very normal and OK in our society to hate white people. I don’t hate white people but it’s real easy to hate a successful white person.
It’s a Catch 22 to hate on God Forbid. It’s like the debates we had with Barack Obama. If you’re white and hate us, people think you’re racist. If you’re black and hate us, you’re a sell out. If you’re Hispanic and hate us, just go do some cocaine.
Get charged up! Show the true hate. We need a career with lefts, rights, love, hate… I’m saying it right here and now. If you can’t stand our band and are afraid to talk shit about us because people will think you’re racist, don’t worry about it. I know you are, so talk as much shit as you want! If you’re black and hate us because we’re doing what you want to do, don’t worry about. I know you’re an Uncle Tom!
In all seriousness, if you can’t stand the music, the personalities or just my stupid mouth, please tell your friend, your mom, your grandma, your psychiatrist, your girlfriend, that we suck… Tell them that we suck not just metaphorically, but physically. I’ll help you out, “God Forbid sucks _________” Insert the word there. Here some examples: Cock, dick, pussy, schlong, dog’s ass, cat’s ass, elephant schlong, dirty whore’s snatch, gout ridden toe jam, etc, etc. It’s OK. I give you carte blanche because you probably are a racist and definitely a sell out Uncle Tom! This is America. What would it be like if you weren’t…
Bullet for My Valentine
Bullet for My Valentine singer Matt Tuck pushes a poker-straight curtain of hair out of his eyes and surveys the baying, overwhelmingly teenage, crowd.
"You guys are part of history," he tells them, triumphantly.
Tuck's career, however, was almost a thing of the past when the shrieking singer was stricken with throat problems during the recording of the Welsh metal band's second album, Scream Aim Fire. Following an emergency tonsillectomy, Tuck and his Bridgend bandmates consolidated their success in both the UK and the US with the best British band gong at this year's Kerrang! awards. Now halfway through a punishing two-year touring schedule, this is BFMV's biggest headline show. "It's time to show the rest of the fucking world what the UK is about," adds Tuck.
BFMV are about melody-driven, humour-free metal, sprinkled with a little sparkle. Cylinders shoot flames so huge their heat reaches the back of the aircraft hanger-sized venue, while Tuck, guitarist Michael Padget and bassist Jason James hop on and off risers, in feet-apart, rock-god poses.
James voices the throat-rattling shrieks that Tuck dare not attempt, but it is the latter who gives BFMV their edge, his insolent sneer and whine commanding the anthemic choruses of All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me) and Tears Don't Fall.
During a fist-pumping The Poison, Tuck hands singing duties over to the fans. Equally vocal on the heartfelt encore Forever and Always, the kids aren't here to make history, but to live in the moment, which is what makes BFMV's big night so thrilling, and the band's future so bright.